Personal Development Steps
What needs your attention now?
What are your challenges?
What do you want to achieve and by when?
This is based on guidelines to help you assess where you are at and where you feel you need to be. This process can be used and described as a 1 to 10 building steps scale system representing balance. 1 = completely out of balance. 10 = totally balanced. This can be used in all areas of your life, monitoring your progress and considering what needs to be done or put in place to raise your level and achievements.
10. completion / excellent / couldn’t be better
9. successful / reaching target / very happy
8. achievement / satisfied / positive progression
7. improvement / progressing / achieving
6. building confidence / managing / coping
5. need to work on my goals / plans & actions
4. need more commitment / positive thinking / i can do
3. need constructive change / motivation / support
2. need direction / self belief / use supporting networks
1. need total support / help / guidance / direction
Through using a system like this many of us would aim to reach 10 in whatever we do, this is often extremely difficult to achieve and maintain.
However, this is what we work towards with a positive self belief and with ” I CAN DO ATTITUDE ” and to have the motivation and willingness to progress and by using the support that is available can only assist in reaching your desired and achievable level.
We may differ on our perception to what is success and not everyone has ambitions to reach the top, some of us are very happy with a lesser level and may have reached that target and feel they have gone as far as they wish to go or can achieve through choice and or decision.
Although encouragement and support should prevail to assist in being, “ THE BEST YOU CAN BE. ” The more you can progress and achieve the better you feel, this will raise your confidence and will boost your ego.
Some people relate to their problems with a feeling of being in a deep hole. This is when the building steps can be a useful tool to implement.
Through viewing the steps as guidelines to what is needed to move forward and up.
With this in mind, some of us may take smaller steps and longer time to reach our required destination, that is OK. The GOAL remains the same to progress and to achieve. TO BUILD YOUR CONFIDENCE.
This assessment style has been drawn up as a means to assist in identifying the level you feel you are at [using describing words] and to monitor your progress at various times through starting out, through your journey and completing studies / assignments / projects / sport / business etc.
The model is just one way of looking at self assessment and personal development using the chart rating [BUILDING STEPS].
Do you need the tools and techniques to get ahead?
Do you have a life coach or mentor and role model?
Are you ready to take action?
We will apply a system designed to meet with your current and future needs, to strengthen the areas that need attention, for your confidence, progression, success & happiness, your BUILDING STEPS.
“ I agree to coach / mentor you to the very best of my ability, to believe in you, to encourage you and to give you 100 % of my energy and commitment.”
Wise saying/quote!
“You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink.”
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