Life Coaching & Mentoring Services

Tag: Personal Mentor

Key Steps With Goals

    “The Secret To Reaching Your Goals”

Do you have an action plan?
Sessions can shape your life!
A year from now you’ll wish you had started today!



  • Acknowledge that a change is needed.
  • Show motivation and a positive mindset for your challenges ahead.
  • Use positive self-talk and belief.
  • Recognise and confirm your strengths.
  • Clarify your vision and values.
  • Plan ahead for your future.
  • Visualise and confirm your success.
  • Respond positively to feedback.
  • Persevere, stay in control and focused.
  • Reap your achievements and rewards.
GOALS WILL HELP YOU               
  • Know and understand yourself better.
  • Overcome barriers and set-backs.
  • Gain more confidence.
  • Set and achieve your chosen goals.
  • Personal satisfaction and achievements.
  • Enjoy life more.


 What do you need to do and achieve in the next 3 to 6 months?

What do you need to do and achieve in the next year?

What do you need to do and achieve in the next 2 to 3 years?


 Do you need the tools and techniques to get ahead? 

Do you have a life coach or mentor and role model?    

Take big steps, call to action. 

“ I agree to coach / mentor you to the very best of my ability, to believe in you, to encourage you and to give you 100 %  of my energy and commitment.”                                             

Contact for a strategy session   



Wise sayings/quotes!

“Push yourself because no one else is going to do it for you.”

“You can never plan the future by the past.”

Self-Esteem & Self Care

    Steps To Build Self-Esteem 

Steps To Boost Self Care 

Health & Happiness

 Steps To Improve Self-Esteem
  • Don’t compare yourself to others.
  • Don’t beat yourself up when you make a mistake.
  • Recognise the things that get you down.
  • Don’t focus on things you have no control over.
  • Don’t strive for perfection.

Set-up,  a successful workshop with clients using the Oakleaf Enterprise, charity in Guildford, Surrey.

Participants achieved learning skills, steps and techniques that can improve and achieve confidence, self-esteem & self care.

Participants given handouts, action plans and goals to implement.

The atmosphere was relaxed, with participants sharing experiences and new friendships built within the group.

These sessions provide much needed help to those suffering with mental health issues.


Energise your life strategy 

Meditation Sessions [Boosting Wellbeing] 

[One-to-One or Group Sessions / Workshop]     

Contact for a strategy session                


  Wise saying/quote!

“Better understanding of what makes you”tick” because you’re taking time to try different things.”

Stress & Anxiety Management

 Conquer Stress / Anxiety & Fears

Know Your Triggers & Take Control

     Feel Energised, Healthy & Strong

It is important that you have a good understanding of what may trigger of your stress and  anxiety.

Then you’re in a better position to reduce, deal and even prevent it.

It can be helpful to have some action plan or tasks you can undertake before or during an episode of a stressful or anxiety period.

You may not always solve the issue but you can reduce, deal at certain times to make things more comfortable and manageable and to hopefully overcome – be prepared.

So we can look at some key things that can be helpful and to consider.

16 Strengthening Tips


  • If possible, remove yourself from the environment that you’re in and take some timeout. Even for just 10 to 15 minutes. 
  • A relaxation exercise to calm your nervous, just breathe in deeply for the count of 4, then breathe out slowly for the count of 5, lowering your shoulders as you do, repeat this process once or twice more or as you need, easy but effective.
  • Stress balls are great for *concentration *anxiety *blood pressure *arthritis. They can improve our mental health. Use stress balls at work, home and everywhere in between.
  • Sit when opportunities allow with people you know, trust and understand.
  • Sit in a room where you feel more relaxed, with space and if needed by a door or window for fresh air and for going out if needed.
  • If you don’t feel like talking, then just listen and add to the conversation as you feel is right for you.
  • Remove yourself away from things or people that may trigger of the symptoms.
  • Keep a diary or logbook, notes about the things that have worked well and when you have been able to reduce or overcome problems or issues. Building confidence and self-esteem can and will reduce issues. Refer to these notes as / when needed as a reminder to overcoming these obstacles.
  • Take up a hobby or sport, try yoga, going to the gym or swimming or cycling to get away from everyday pressures and the strain. Or brisk walks for 15 to 30 minutes.
  • Your health is paramount. Give yourself some regular self-time to relax and unwind and recharge. Include  a good amount of regular sleeping time.
  • Consider meditation or listening to soothing music at regular intervals to combat the  stress.
  • Avoid bottling up your feelings. Use self-talk, coaching or counselling.
  • Turn negativity, or negative thoughts into positive steps, think and be positive.
  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day [avoid being dehydrated].
  • Keep with a regular healthy and nutritious meals.
  • Accept a compliment as you know you will have deserved it, you know you are great.


When possible visit a place that you find therapeutic, stress free, where you can feel some calm, where you can relax, unwind and have some quality time.  


  • Keeping a diary or logbook will help focus on clues for any diagnoses.
  • Talking about the triggers will assist in preventing such stress.
  • Connect with positive people and have a good supporting network.
  • Accept what you can’t change.


Set-up a successful workshop with clients using the Oakleaf Enterprise, charity in Guildford, Surrey.

Participants achieved learning skills, steps and techniques that can reduce, overcome and prevent stress.

Participants given handouts, action plans and goals to implement.

The atmosphere was relaxed, with participants sharing experiences and new friendships built within the group.

These sessions provide much needed help to those suffering with mental health issues.

Call to Action

Stress & Anxiety Management 

Energise your life strategy 

Meditation Sessions [Boosting Wellbeing] 

Head, Neck & Shoulder Massage [Relieves Stress & Tension]  

[One-to-One or Group Sessions / Workshop



   Wise saying/quote!

“More smiling, less worrying.”


Life Balance

Achieve Life Balance & Wellbeing

How do you rate your scores?

This can be very difficult to achieve, through work demands, home commitments and other areas of our lives that take up much of our daily and weekly time.

There never seems to be enough time in a day or week for us to spend the time in areas that we may enjoy or need to do.

We all need from time to time to relax, recharge and to focus on things that help us through perhaps difficult or demanding times.

Your health and well-being is very important so you can take on the important demanding or committed tasks. Therefore efforts are required to help us get a  life balance.  

There are of course some things we may not have total control over, but we can endeavor to seek the help we may need in these areas and to provide a better balance.

To focus and find ways to increase the time to do things that we enjoy or missing out on, [activities, family, friends, studies, etc].  

To assess where you are at and how you can make the changes to a daily or weekly routine that allows for more time for you and what you enjoy doing. Take a look at the chart below and checkout where you may make a change.

Ask yourself how satisfied you are with your current life balance. Below is a chart of many areas that will have a major influence and impact on your daily life. Rate each section on a scale of  1 to 10.  1 = low, completely out of balance,  10 =  high, totally balanced. Which section/s need attention and require ACTION NOW !

  • In general a score of 6 or less needs attention and some action plan to improve that area.
  • What control do you feel you have over such areas/s to make that difference or to better the situation or difficulty in place?
  • What other support do you need to make that difference?
  • Can you call on this support?
  • What else do you need in place to begin the improvement process, give you that better quality of life?

Keep a diary or logbook to update any changes with a few brief comments. Then update your life balance score as applicable – between 3 to 6 months. Keep old copies to enable you to make comparisons and to view your progress.

Life Balance & Wellbeing
Improve Your Quality of Life & Set Powerful Goals
 Contact for a strategy session






Take time to relax and unwind.


10 Building Steps

Personal Development Steps

What needs your attention now? 

What are your challenges? 

What do you want to achieve and by when?

This is based on guidelines to help you assess where you are at and where you feel you need to be. This process can be used and described as a 1 to 10 building steps scale system representing balance. 1 = completely out of balance. 10 = totally balanced. This can be used in all areas of your life,  monitoring  your progress and considering what needs to be done or put in place to raise your level and achievements.


10. completion / excellent / couldn’t be better

9. successful / reaching target / very happy 

8. achievement / satisfied / positive progression

7. improvement / progressing / achieving

6. building confidence / managing / coping

5. need to work on my goals / plans & actions

4. need more commitment / positive thinking / i can do

3. need constructive change / motivation / support 

2. need direction / self belief / use supporting networks

1. need total support / help / guidance / direction


Through using a system like this many of us would aim to reach 10 in whatever we do, this is often extremely difficult to achieve and maintain.

However, this is what we work towards with a positive self belief and with ” I CAN DO ATTITUDE ”  and to have the motivation and willingness to progress and by using the support that is available can only assist in reaching your desired and achievable level.

We may differ on our perception to what is success and not everyone has ambitions to reach the top, some of us are very happy with a lesser level and may have reached that target and feel they have gone as far as they wish to go or can achieve through choice and or decision.

Although encouragement and support should prevail to assist in being,  “ THE BEST YOU CAN BE. ”  The more you can progress and achieve the better you feel, this will raise your confidence and will boost your ego.

Some people relate to their problems with a feeling of being in a deep hole. This is when the building steps can be a useful tool to implement.

Through viewing the steps as guidelines to what is needed to move forward and up.

With this in mind, some of us may take smaller steps and longer time to reach our required destination, that is OK. The GOAL remains the same to progress and to achieve. TO BUILD YOUR CONFIDENCE.

This assessment style has been drawn up as a means to assist in identifying the level you feel you are at [using describing words] and to monitor your progress at various times through starting out, through your journey and completing studies / assignments / projects / sport  / business etc.

The model is just one way of looking at self assessment and personal development using the chart rating  [BUILDING STEPS].


Do you need the tools and techniques to get ahead?

Do you have a life coach or mentor and role model?

Are you ready to take action?


We will apply a system designed to meet with your current and future needs, to strengthen the areas that need attention, for your confidence, progression, success & happiness, your BUILDING STEPS.

“ I agree to coach / mentor you to the very best of my ability, to believe in you, to encourage you and to give you 100 %  of my energy and commitment.”


Wise saying/quote!

“You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink.”

Confidence Building

Below is some building confidence steps that can help you to achieve and be more confident in everything you do.

8 Powerful Tips 

>Stop Comparing Yourself To Others

One way to help build your confidence is to stop trying to compare yourself with others. The reality is that we generally only know a small percentage of how that person really is.

Everyone thinks, feels, learns and sees things differently.

You are the only person on this planet with your ability, it may not be with special human power that you posses, but the possibilities in you and the way you do things will be endless and different to everyone else.

No two peoples fingerprints are the same.

When you compare yourself to other people you tend to compare yourself to the one person who you believe has it best in life, perhaps believing they have everything, perhaps someone you idolise or admire.

This is definitely not a good way to assess yourself. Instead worry about what it takes to be someone that you like within yourself.

Build upon your own strengths, skills, talent and further your prospects with what you really want to do and plan ahead to achieve, to be successful and to be the best you can be.

>Always Make Eye Contact

Eye Contact

Many people are afraid of how other people will view  or judge them in different situations. By making eye contact you tell yourself that you are worthy, unafraid and confident. You also send the message to other people that you are talking too.

A little trick I find that works is to look between their eyebrows in the centre of their head, this is less intimidating for you as you are not looking directly into their eyes but from where they are standing it looks like you actually are.

Just make sure you are not staring to hard and are not too up close and personal as this may intimidate the person you are conversing with.

Many people have difficulties making good eye contact and them maintaining it. However, you will find that once you get into the habit of making good eye contact you will naturally feel more confident and this will improve in all situations.

>Exercise & Healthy Eating

Keep Fit

Appearance can be a big factor and is a cause for low confidence & self esteem. Improving your physical appearance can do wonders for your confidence.

Exercising often is the best way to make yourself feel better and look better. Exercise of any kind enhances that feel good factor, mood and sends a pleasurable feeling through your body.

Exercising on a regular basis will improve anyone’s physical appearance and subsequently their self confidence. If you feel good, you smile more, you smile more you feel more confident. There is pattern here emerging.

Also drink plenty of fluids, [avoid being dehydrated]. It is a good idea to drink a bottle of water [500 ML] when you get up in the morning and have several more drinks of water at regular times  throughout the day and as you need it to maintain hydration.

Furthermore, eating healthy, monitoring your food intake and implementing an exercise routine that you are happy with and enjoy will work wonders, but make sure it is a routine you enjoy otherwise your fitness regime will be short lived and you will see little or no improvement.

>Dress Sharp

Dressing sharp is an easy and immediate way to increase confidence. Dress sensible for the occasion.

For example, if you are going for a job interview you want to feel comfortable in what you are wearing while giving out positive signals that you have thought about your appearance and you value yourself and the job you seek.

A smart appearance shows that you have good standards and care about your personal hygiene and personal appearance [first impressions can be very important] and we rarely get a second chance to make that first impression.

Furthermore, this can result in positive physiological effect resulting in improved interactions with other people. This in turn will enhance your level of comfort in everyday situations. This will make you feel better about yourself and confidence levels will be raised.

>Compliment Others Often

Get into the mind set of thinking positive. This will allow you to see the good in people and compliment them in things that they do well and praise their strong points.

So you ask, how is that going to help boost your confidence, self esteem.

Well when you compliment others you are many times more likely to get a sincere compliment in return. This will then boost your confidence. This will reinforce your strong points and push your positive characteristics to the forefront of your self assurance.

Of course don’t over do it and make sure they deserve that compliment you give them.

>Help Those Less Fortunate

Helping Others

Finding the time to provide assistance, support or help to someone less fortunate should be very rewarding.

Helping those less fortunate is one of the most empowering feelings in the world. Those who do community work and providing a support service to the public often have incredible high confidence and self esteem and have a positive outlook on life.

The empowering feeling of helping others builds self confidence in yourself, the feel good factor and helps you realise that you are able to make a positive impact in the community and beyond and giving you great satisfaction.

>Face Your fears & Don’t Fear Failure

Having a fear is a massive reason for why many of us have low confidence. Fears that we may have can impact and take control over how we are feeling about ourselves and can affect our life.

When we feel anxious, worried or fear something we can feel weak, we may not be in control and perhaps unable to cope.

In order to overcome fear, we need to face up to the fears. Do not avoid the things that you are afraid of.

Learn to understand the cause and fear of the problem you are facing, instead of running from it. Learn to never fear failure.

Everyone in life fails in something from time to time. A few failures will not define your life. The way you respond to these fears or failure is what defines you and can make you much stronger.

>Carry Confidence With You

Work on being confident and carry it with you in all that you do. For example,

  • Speak clearly and with a reasonable volume.
  • Give good eye contact.
  • Be conscious of your posture.
  • Don’t cross your arms as this can show insecurity.
  • Use your hands to explain things, this can help to draw your crowd a vivid picture of your explanations, [make sure you do this in a controlled way].
  • Key is to maintain a positive attitude, outlook and approach. To believe in yourself and be willing to make a change/s to better your situation.

Self confidence can be learned, practised and mastered just like any other skill. Once this has been mastered, everything in your life can improve and change for the better.


Now ask yourself, are you implementing the steps and maintaining the skill?


Set-up a successful workshop with clients using the Oakleaf Enterprise, charity in Guildford, Surrey.

Participants achieved learning skills, steps and techniques to become more confident and improve quality of life.

Participants given handouts, action plans and goals to implement.


Do you need to build your confidence & self esteem and improve your quality of life? If so, don’t delay get the support you need NOW.  Call to Action.

Energise your life strategy 

 Meditation Sessions [Boosting Wellbeing]

[One-to-One or Group Sessions / Workshop]

Contact for a strategy session   



        Wise sayings/quotes!

     “The most beautiful thing you can wear is confidence.”   

 “As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.”

 “With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts.”



      Scenery can be a beautiful picture and take your breath away. 














Working Towards  “The Healthy Package”

On several occasions I have been asked about my views on supervision within the workplace. So I will take this opportunity to share some of my thoughts. There are different types of supervision arrangements but I will focus on the one-to-one format.

As I endeavour to look at good supervision, I recognise that there are 3  main components which I can refer to when thinking about the content of overall function. These are:

1. Accountability or Managerial Function

One main part of the supervision content should acknowledge that the worker is accountable to their senior and the organisation for their tasks and the service delivery.

This means part of the supervision process is feeding back to the worker whether their work fulfills that which is required and making clear demands about what is expected of them.

2. Teaching or Educational Function

Supervision can be recognised as checking whether the worker has the necessary skills and knowledge to carry out the task and offering ways forward for them to carry out new tasks and enable them to take on challenges.

The worker may need certain information and help to enable them to do this. Furthermore, to be given the opportunity to discuss and explore various issues. Supervision must be seen to be concerned with the development of the worker over a period of time.

3. Emotional and Supportive Function

It can be recognised that the nature of our work within a residential or other setting can become very stressful to the worker. Therefore, it is important that time is given to deal with the emotional side of themselves and acknowledge this fact.

The worker may need some support and encouragement to carry out the task.

Therefore, time should be given which encourages the worker to express how they may feel about certain issues. For example, how they are coping [this may include areas of stress] or how they are getting on with other members of the team.

Staff may sometimes wish to raise certain personal concerns or pressures from their private lives which are currently affecting their performance at work.

Having summarised these three important components, it can be seen how important it is for the supervisors to try to get the balance right when it comes to the content of supervision.

It maybe that supervisors may find themselves concentrating more on one area depending on the individual worker.

This may depend on the issues the worker wishes to bring to the supervision and areas they feel are currently important to them.

Formal supervision sessions should be an integral part of working within an organisation. Furthermore, time should be found on a regular basis for informal discussions and support as needed.

The purpose of supervision will be to:

1. To have regular two way communication.

2. To enable all workers to maximise their contributions to the overall function and running of the unit.

3. To benefit individual and team growth.

4. It is agreed that the “healthy package” of supervision will address: *Management / accountability of individual. *Training, educational and development issues.*Offering emotional support relevant to the overall function and  effective running of the unit.

5. It should not be assumed that information shared in supervision is confidential. However, information should be only passed on a “need to know basis.”

6. Unresolved disagreement should be resolved  through line management structure.

7. Time and frequency of formal supervision sessions should be negotiated, but one hour over a four to six week period should be absolute minimum contact time.

It maybe that some organisations have other systems and requirements, but I have discussed my views and thoughts around supervision.

*Supervision allows the “machinery” to operate smoothly.


Good communication is an essential tool for any individual, group or team to progress and to achieve.

Do you need support to provide supervision sessions to your staff team? Independent views and coaching integral. 

This will build and benefit individual & team growth.

I provide inspirational quality coaching & mentoring to meet with personal development and support requirements and for any team needs or programme.

Short or Long Term Coaching & Mentoring.

Call to Action

“ I agree to coach / mentor you to the very best of my ability, to believe in you, to encourage you and to give you 100 %  of my energy and commitment.

Wise saying/quote!

“Two heads are better than one.”










Motivation Skills

   “Empower Your Life”

Motivation is key!

Lawrie’s Manifesto

Motivation is a key factor in completing tasks, being successful and achieving positive outcomes throughout our life journey.

Here is my supporting tips to help you reach your destination. I have highlighted some key words that need to be adhered too, as you move forward.

  • You need to begin with your issue or goal you wish to work on!
  • You need to start with a positive attitude, outlook and approach!
  • You need to be committed to your yourself at all times!
  • You need to be willing to make a positive change or changes!
  • You need to be motivated to work with your coach or mentor at agreed times!
  • You need to attend all coaching / mentoring sessions to maximise support!
  • You need to take on the challenges your coach or mentor puts forward!
  • You need to take the steps each day or each week to make progress!
  • You need to keep going even when you’re faced with obstacles!
  • You need to be able to address problems and communicate  how you feel!
  • You need to be inspired to take on and complete tasks / actions! 
  • You need to be driven by what you want to achieve and to succeed!
  • You must remain focused in what you do at all times!
  • You need to keep believing in yourself even in difficult times!
  • You should keep a diary or journal to record actions and to monitor progress!
  • You can use the diary or journal to discuss / feedback to the coach or mentor and useful for reflecting  back!
  • You should take timeout to praise your achievements
  • You need to maintain the high levels, standards you set and not be distracted!
  • You will have great satisfaction and feel so proud on completion.
  • ISSUE / GOAL completed, YES” job done and will lift your confidence & self esteem.


I hope this has been helpful and something you can reflect on.


Session/s will sharpen your skills.


“ I agree to coach / mentor you to the very best of my ability, to believe in you, to encourage you and to give you 100 %  of my energy and commitment.”

Contact for a strategy session   


Wise sayings/quotes!

“Only I can change my life.”

“Never judge a person for their mistakes, judge a person on how they fix them.”


How To Get Results Within A Timescale

  “Accomplish Your Goals”

The process of planning and setting goals helps you choose where you want to go in your life. By knowing what you want to achieve, you know where to concentrate your efforts.     

*Clearly define your goals.

*State each goal as a positive statement.

*Express your goals positively.

8 Powerful Steps, Your Personal & Professional Development Plan

  1. It’s important to take your plan into your own hands and decide your direction….?
  2. Assess where you are now….?
  3. Identify your specific goals….?
  4. Gather information that you need to progress….?
  5. Evaluate your professional skills….?
  6. Decide on a strategy to how you will achieve, reach your desired destination….?
  7. Develop a timescale to complete your tasks and goals….?
  8. Write it down and keep records of your progress, updates with completed outcomes, achievements and celebrate success….?

From time to time we can all benefit from some coaching or mentoring.

It maybe that all that is needed is a few sessions to mull over our thought process and to find some peace of mind, some clarity for our decision making and for direction, to enable us to plan ahead for a smoother path forward as we progress through our life journey.

If you feel there is a need for extended or on-going coaching / mentoring support, then in a planned and supportive way it will be there for you.


Goal planning & setting goals, [one-to-one or group session/s].

Sessions will stretch your comfort zone.


  • Give yourself some quality time, you know you deserve it.
  • Remember you are unique, you are special and deserve to be the very best you can be.
  • Consider the above how you want your life to be, the things that you wish to do, what you want to achieve?
  • Let today be a new start. Today is the first day of the rest of your life!
  • Make the positive changes you may have thought about, but not yet begun, or feel stuck and not making headway.
  • Can I be of help to you?  To support you to unlock your talent and potential.
  • Do you need the tools and the techniques to get ahead?                                

Over many years I have coached clients to reach their objectives, desired outcomes and goals of all kinds. This has provided the tools for them to get ahead and enjoy more happiness, success, achievements and quality of life.


>Start your Life Coaching sessions today.   

“I agree to coach / mentor you to the very best of my ability, to believe in you, to encourage you and to give you 100 %  of my energy and commitment.”




Andy Murray [Britain’s tennis player] picture of the gold post box at his home town Dunblane, in honour of his Olympics gold medals. [singles, 2012 & 2016].         

  Wise saying/quote!    

“A goal is a dream with a date. It will remain as a dream unless powerful purposes combined with action planning to arrive at a predetermined place in time.”


My goals planned and completed in a week, homemade apple pie, scones and bread.









Your Wheel of Life


Your Personal Self Assessment 

A useful coaching tool for the client to use during a coaching session/s, their              Wheel of Life”  life balance, this is an interesting concept and can give the client the opportunity to explore various paths.

This technique is great for clients who don’t  know what to focus on or lack clarity on their goals.

This tool helps a  client analyse key areas of their life and identify what to work on to achieve the results they look for. Ask for this service.



 >The fear of failure ! 
      >The fear of rejection ! 
        >The fear of success !     


If you find yourself in one of these 3 categories don’t delay, get the help you need NOW! Overcome adversity, you owe it to yourself.


The light, not the darkness that most frightens us.”

  “The biggest fear we can have, is the fear of the unknown.”

Are you searching for a life coach or mentor?

If you require, we can look at a self/need assessment, tailored for your personal development.




                  Wise sayings/quotes!             

   “Sometimes we say, we cannot see the wood for the trees.”

     It always seems impossible until it is done.”



Visit places that have historic things of interest to view and see.  







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